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«Linguistic Realization as a Polysemic Category on the basis of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" by J.K. Rowling» - Дипломная работа

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Автор: fidji


Introduction 4

Chapter 1. Polysemy. A Diachronic and Synchronic Analysis on the Emic Level 7

Polysemy. Polysemantic Words and their Definitions 7

1.1.1.Polysemy and Monosemy 10

1.1.2.Polysemy and Homonymy 11

1.2. Meaning. Types of Meaning 17

1.3. The Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches towards the Study of Meaning 19

1.4. Context 22

Chapter 2. The Semantic Structure of a Polysemantic Word 24

2.1. Word Meaning 24

2.2. Core Meaning 26

2.3. The Development of Meaning 28

2.4. The Semantic Structure of a Polysemantic Word 32

Chapter 3. The Analysis of the Examples Containing Polysemantic Words, Taken from “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” by J.K. Rowling 40

3.1. Chapter One, “The Other Minister” 41

3.2. Chapter Fifteen, “The Unbreakable Vow” 51

3.3. Chapter Thirty, “The White Tomb” 58

Conclusions 62

Bibliography 64

Literature 66

Dictionaries 66

Appendix 68


The theme of our diploma thesis is “Linguistic Realization as a Polysemic Category on the basis of \"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince\" by J.K. Rowling”. The issue of polysemy is not new in linguistics but, since the practical chapter is based on the novel, which is very popular nowadays, the topic of the diploma project becomes very up-to-date.

Polysemy is a phenomenon characteristic of most words in many languages, however different they may be. Before we started writing the paper, we supposed that it is one of the most typical features of the English vocabulary (the working hypothesis).

The main goal of the present work is to analyse the problem of meaning and structure of a polysemantic word, to show the relationship of different meanings within one word. The complicated character of the notion of a polysemantic word, based on the development of its meaning, makes the problem more difficult, on the one hand, though more interesting, on the other. The notion of the structure of a polysemantic word is aggravated by the influence of the factors both of linguistic and extralinguistic character. That is why it is necessary to analyse the notion of the core meaning, and its influence on the whole structure of a word. Therefore, if we take into consideration the diversity of meanings of a polysemantic word, the problem of lexicographical presentation of the word arises.


The theme that we have investigated in our diploma thesis is “Linguistic Realization as a Polysemic Category on the basis of \"Harry Potter and the Half -Blood Prince\" by J.K.Rowling”.

Before we proceeded to work, we had supposed that polysemy is a characteristic feature of the English vocabulary, and our working hypothesis has proved to be true.

We have analysed the problem of meaning and the structure of a polysemantic word, as well as we have followed the relationships of different meanings within one word. The complicated character of the notion of a polysemantic word based on the development of the meaning made the problem more complicated, on the one hand, though more interesting, on the other hand.

To achieve the goal of the project, we had to deal with the following tasks:

- to study the semantic structure of polysemantic words in English;

- to single out the peculiarities of polysemantic words in English;

- to analyze the cases of polysemantic words used in a literary work (\"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince\" by J.K.Rowling).

Список литературы

1. Rowling J.K. “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”.


1. ABBYY Lingvo 6.0 English-Russian, Russian-English Dictionary, Copyright. 1989-1999 (BIT Software).

2. Big English Dictionary, Galperin I.R. - Moscow, 1987.

3. Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus, Version 1.0, HarperCollins Publishers, 1992.

4. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1999.

5. English-Russian Dictionary, Muller V.K. - Moscow, 1988.

6. Merriam-Webster\'s Collegiate Dictionary, 1994.

7. New English-Russian Dictionary, volumes I, II, III, edited under the supervision of Professor Mednikova E.M., Phil. Dr., and Academician Apresyan Y.D. - Moscow, 1993-1994.

8. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. - Library of Congress Cataloguing Data, 1990.

9. The New English-Russian Dictionary, Muller V.K. - Moscow, 1997.

10. The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations.

11. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.

12. The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford.

Тема: «Linguistic Realization as a Polysemic Category on the basis of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" by J.K. Rowling»
Раздел: Иностранные языки
Тип: Дипломная работа
Страниц: 66
Цена: 1000 руб.
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