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«Упражнения по грамматике английского языка для студентов неязыковых факультетов» - Практическая работа
- 34 страниц(ы)

Автор: navip
ASSIGNMENT 1. Present Indefinite Pas-sive….
ASSIGNMENT 2. Past Indefinite Pas-sive….
ASSIGNMENT 3. Future Indefinite Pas-sive….
ASSIGNMENT 4. Sequence of Tenses….
ASSIGNMENT 5. Present Continuous Pas-sive….
ASSIGNMENT 6. Past Continuous Pas-sive….
ASSIGNMENT 7. Present Perfect Passive….
ASSIGNMENT 8. Past Perfect Pas-sive….
ASSIGNMENT 9. Participle I….
ASSIGNMENT 10. Participle II….
Основная цель разработки – развить и автоматизировать навыки и умения правильно употреблять грамматические структуры как в устной, так и в письменной речи.
Последовательность упражнений внутри темы построена по принципу нарастания сложности.
Разработка включает аналитические упражнения на идентификацию и дифференциацию грамматических явлений, тренировочные – на выработку автоматизма употребления изучаемых явлений, творческие – на использование их в речи в конкретных ситуациях, контролирующие – на перевод с русского на английский.
Система упражнений, представленная в разработке, обес-печивает успешность обучения и способствует языковой и речевой активности студентов.
Выдержка из текста работы
Present Indefinite Passive
The Present Indefinite Tense is used to denote permanent actions and states and repeat actions.
Mind the formation of Present Indefinite Passive:
I am asked we (you, they) are asked
He (she, it) is asked
Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite Passive Voice:
1. This room (use) only on special occasions.
2. Trees (plant) every year.
3. The child (leave) by his parents at home.
4. English (speak) in many countries.
5. This problem (solve) by her.
6. These toys (make) in Japan.
7. The letter (write) by him every month.
8. Pupils (teach) at school by the teachers.
9. The texts (translate) by us.
10. Many houses (build) every year.
Expand the following statements using the given adverbs in their proper position:
Model: The books are read by them. (often). – The books are often read by them.
1. He is spoken about. (much)
2. The work is finished in time. (always)
3. English books are read by her. (sometimes)
4. Many new houses are built. (regularly)
5. He is asked at the lesson. (usually)
6. The child is left alone at home. (often)
7. The dictation is written by the students. (regularly)
8. Rules are broken by children. (sometimes)
9. They are invited by their friends. (often)
10. You are given presents. (always)
Rewrite these sentences using the Passive Voice:
Model: The boy eats the cake. – The cake is eaten by the boy.
1. They speak English and French in Canada.
2. She reads French books every day.
3. Mr. Smith teaches the class.
4. The students read this book.
5. The secretary looks through all the letters.
6. He sends the letter.
7. She often calls Ann up.
8. He often tells this story.
9. They write a letter every week.
10. They speak about this film.
Translate into English:
1. На английском языке говорят во многих странах.
2. Его часто спрашивают на уроке.
3. Эту комнату используют в особых случаях.
4. Эти туфли произведены в Италии.
5. Детей в школе обучают учителя.
6. Их часто приглашают в гости.
7. Нам всегда дарят подарки на Новый год.
8. Над ним часто смеются.
9. В какой стране говорят на французском?
10. Вас навещают ваши родственники?
Past Perfect Passive
The Past Perfect Passive denotes an action completed by a certain time in the past or before another action in the past.
Mind the formation of Past Perfect Passive:
He had been
She shown
Put the verb in brackets into the Past Perfect Passive:
1. When I came into the cinema a new film (show). I was sorry that I (not tell) about the show before and was late for the beginning as the end impressing me greatly.
2. We (discuss) the problem already when you came.
3. Articles (translate) by the end of the day.
4. The table (lay) by 8 p.m.
5. The test (write) before the bell rang.
6. I (stay) at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.
7. She said she (see) him since she left London.
8. He quickly forgot everything he (learn) at school.
9. She (close) already the book when I came back into the room.
10. We (walk) several miles before we saw a house.
Rewrite these sentences using the Passive Voice:
1. He had already learnt that when he wanted anything it was better to ask his mother first.
2. George made no answer and we found that he had been asleep for some time.
3. We knew that as a girl she had lived in the country.
4. Denny had fallen ill and Andrew was working for him.
5. I met Strickland before I had been a fortnight in Paris.
6. Hardly had she sat down when a very stout gentleman flopped into the chair opposite hers.
7. Talking to him was very easy just like talking to someone you had known all your life.
8. It had long been physically impossible for switching to start his fist came down on the table.
9. Paying for what he not eaten he left the cafe.
10. The occasion was not nearly as bad as I had feared.
Translate from Russia into English, using Past Perfect Pas-sive:
1. Новая библиотека была построена до того, как вы поступили в университет?
2. Мне сказали, что уже ничего нельзя изменить, так как решение было принято.
3. Эту комнату прибрали за три дня до нашего приезда.
4. Когда мы добрались до дома, вора уже посадили в полицей-скую машину.
5. К тому времени, как вернулась секретарь, факс был получен генеральным директором.
6. Когда я добрался до автомобильной стоянки, моей машины там не было. Она была украдена.
7. Эта история давно забыта всеми.
8. Эта книга была написана до того, как автор стал знаменитым.
9. Когда я включил радио, известная песня уже была спета.
10. За доктором послали до того, как мама вернулась с работы.
Make the following statements negative and interrogative. Translate into Russian:
1. My mum’s room had been cleaned by 10 o’clock
2. His resume had been written carefully before bringing it to me.
3. The vegetables did not taste very good. They had been cooked for too long.
4. The car was three years old but it had been very seldom.
5. The room looked nice. It had been cleaned.
6. The concert had been post pined by them.
7. A new hospital had been built near the airport by the end of the year.
8. Her work had been finished by that time yesterday.
9. The text had been translated by the students before the bell gone.
10. All the necessary material had been found by Saturday.
Participle I
Present Participle(-ing)endings
You form the present participle of most verbs by adding -ing
e.g. go-going; visit-visiting
You add-adding to verbs ending in -e:
e.g. make-making; have-having
You double the final consonant of verbs of one syllable ending in a vowel and a consonant and add - ing:
e.g. get-getting
You add-ing to verbs ending in a vowel and -y or -w
e.g. draw-drawing; play-playing
You do not use these verbs in the continuous form:
to believe to love
to feel to see
to hate to smell
to hear to sound
to know to taste
to like to think
to understand to want
Give all possible forms of Participle I of the following verbs:
to come to ring
to cover to think
to read to sleep
to write to go
to look to laugh
to wait to give
Use the appropriate form of the First Participle of the verbs brackets:
1. (to look) out of the window she saw there was a man working in the garden.
2. That night (to go) up to his room, Shelton thought of his unpleasant duty.
3. The carriage was almost full, and (to put) his bag up in the rack. He was the last to leave the office.
4. (to do) all that was required he was the last to leave the office.
5. (to return) home in the afternoon, she became conscious of her mis-take.
6. He could not join his friends (to be) still busy in the laboratory.
7. (to finish) his work, he seemed more pleased than usual.
8. I spent about ten minutes (to turn) over sixteen pages of The Times before I found the chief news and articles.
9. (to return) from the expedition he wrote a book about Central Afri-ca.
10. (to inform) of their arrival the day before he was betters prepared to meet them than anyone of us.
Translate the sentences into English, using the First Partici-ple:
1. Будьте осторожны, пересекая улицу.
2. Написав сочинение, она начала готовить другое задание.
3. Сбежав с лестницы, она остановилась на мгновение, как бы колеблясь, в каком направлении пойти.
4. Молодой человек, стоявший у окна, внимательно посмотрел на меня.
5. Заметив меня, она остановилась.
6. Студенты, не уделяющие достаточно внимания грамматике, никогда не овладеют английским языком.
7. Объяснив все подробно, он спокойно сел на свое место.
8. Схватив сына на руки, Элиза бросилась бежать.
9. Она слышала, как ее отец ходит взад и вперед по террасе.
10. Приехав домой, он увидел, что его совсем не ждали.
State the functions of Participle I translate the sentences into Russian:
1. Hoping Christine would come soon he returned his, attention to Flora and the morning mail.
2. He handed the message to her who read it, leaning towards a light beside her.
3. He began to stammer, gazing at her troubled eyes.
4. Mr. Parker stood, looking up and down.
5. Relocking the door, he glanced at the envelope.
6. Louise straightened her handbag, searching for her pencil.
7. They left the shining horses.
8. Daisy took, her face in her hands as if feel ling its lovely shape.
9. Putting down the receiver, Fleur took up the time-table.
10. Two little boys curtsying, toy airplanes stopped dead, examining her dark eye lashes resting on her cream-colored cheeks.
Join each of the following pairs of sentences using construc-tions with Participle I:
Model: He walked into the centre of the great empty drawing-room,
he stood still
. Walking into the centre of the great empty drawing room, he
stood still.
1. He dropped on his knees; he tried to get nearer that soft troubled face.
2. He walked quickly; he replaced the board, the rug, the furniture.
3. Mr. Carey took the paper with him, he retired to his study.
4. Millie hesitated; she searched for the right words for what was in her mind.
5. He turned away, he strode through the hospital.
6. When Stephen thought, about these things he made himself ill.
7. The light from the shaded piano-candle fell on her neck, it left her face rather in shadow.
8. She lifted the telephone, she answered, “Yes?”
9. I paused; I did not quite know to express myself.
10. She flushed darkly and turned its back to John.
Participle II (Past Participle)
All regular and some irregular verbs have past Participle which are the same as their past simple form.
Give all possible forms of Participle II of the following verbs:
to build to teach
to see to feel
to meet to have
to know to begin
to take to put
State the function of Participle II. Translate the sentences in-to Russian.
1. The answer to this question was unexpected.
2. You didn’t look so interested.
3. He replaced used ash-trays on the table with fresh and refilled Do-do’s coffee cup, then the others.
4. She always became impatient when asked to define a word of whose definition she was not sure.
5. She had no photographs of herself taken since her marriage.
6. Presently he came to a standstill with his hands deep plunged into his pockets.
7. He entered, puzzled but interested.
8. There was stillness in the smack intimate dining-room, broken only by the subdued ticking of a Dutch clock upon the wall.
9. Puzzled by the dim light, Sanders turned his attention to the inshore areas.
10. You could have passed me by unnoticed.
Translate from Russian into English.
1. Она посмотрела на его поношенный костюм.
2. Молодая женщина казалась испуганной.
3. В его голосе звучало разочарование.
4. Она слышала, как назвали ее фамилию.
5. Я не хочу, чтобы для него что-либо делали.
6. Большая украшенная новогодняя елка занимала весь угол ком-наты около рояля.
7. Он заметил, что она покраснела и выглядела смущенной.
9. Когда к ней обратились, она показала нам самый короткий путь к вокзалу.
10. Моя мама была одной из четырех женщин, сидевших за сто-лом.
11. На следующий день мы отправились по адресу, который дал нам доктор.
Replace the attributive clauses by phrases with Participle II.
1. Alan who was greatly surprised, answered, “That’s right”.
2. She who was astonished stared at Peter, then looked the other way.
3. He looked back at the large car that was parked at the road side, al-ready ten yards away.
4. One of their drivers who was brought by Gordini came over to one.
5. One day she found a letter which was slipped under the door.
6. An hour and a half ago they had a late dinner here which was deliv-ered from a service, restaurant on the apartment block’s main floor.
7. John had enormous black eyes which were framed in velvety lashes and eyebrows.
8. Jane who was greatly surprised to see her son here looked up.
9. Eliza who was excited by his words moved along the street.
10. Arthur had brought two widely excited friends who were called Tom and Nigger, for Barney and me.
Point out the Second Participle and state its functions in the sentence:
1. His name was well-known among the younger writers of France.
2. The door opened. A little frightened girl stood in the light that fell from the passage.
3. The child kept silent and looked frightened.
4. He lived in a little village situated at the foot of a hill.
5. He fell asleep exhausted by his journey.
6. Seen from the Vorobyev Hills the city looks magnificent, and espe-cially at night in the electric light.
7. She entered the drawing-room accompanied by her husband and her father.
8. Presently I grew tired and went to bed.
9. She sat for a while with her eyes shut.
10. Locked in her room, she flung herself on the bed and cried bitterly.
Список литературы
1. His name was well-known among the younger writers of France.
2. The door opened. A little frightened girl stood in the light that fell from the passage.
3. The child kept silent and looked frightened.
4. He lived in a little village situated at the foot of a hill.
5. He fell asleep exhausted by his journey.
6. Seen from the Vorobyev Hills the city looks magnificent, and espe-cially at night in the electric light.
7. She entered the drawing-room accompanied by her husband and her father.
8. Presently I grew tired and went to bed.
9. She sat for a while with her eyes shut.
10. Locked in her room, she flung herself on the bed and cried bitterly.
Тема: | «Упражнения по грамматике английского языка для студентов неязыковых факультетов» | |
Раздел: | Иностранные языки | |
Тип: | Практическая работа | |
Страниц: | 34 | |
Цена: | 400 руб. |
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