Контрольная работа
«Английский язык (Практическая работа)»
- 8 страниц(ы)
Автор: Strela55
Task 1. Read the texts and translate them. Use the information from these texts to write a letter in the following task.
Writing an appreciation letter for gifts, favours, courtesies, hospitality, donations, congratulations is a great way to let others know that they are appreciated. Letters are a great way to say thank you to someone who deserves praise. People respond positively when treated kindly. Employees work harder when they feel appreciated. With a sincere, well-written appreciation letter you can improve relations with words of admiration, gratitude, and recognition. Whether it's for a friend or family member, or a business associate or client, appreciation letters promote positive feedback. Write your appreciation letter within a few days of whatever happened to inspire your gratitude. Consider letter's recipient. If Aunt Jane sent you the best gift ever, a hand written note works best. If an employee or business associate deserves a word of thanks, types it out and hand sign it. Use customized letterhead for business correspondence. Address your appreciation letter to a specific person. If possible, not just to the company or to the organization in general. Keep it simple. Everyone likes praise and they can hear great things about themselves all day but, if you keep the thanks short and simple, the message will come across as sincere. Tell them what they did. Make sure the person knows what efforts they're being acknowledged for. Thank them for their time, effort, a gift or just being there. Let them know what it meant to you. Relay to the person how their help or effort affected you positively. If you're writing an appreciation letter for a gift, let them know how you will be using it. Encourage future efforts. In the case of friends or family, reiterate your hopes that you will see each other soon or stay in touch. With employees or business associates, if you hope to work together in future endeavors, state that. A big part of feeling appreciated is feeling wanted or needed.
Notes: letter of appreciation – благодарственное письмо
favour – помощь, содействие
courtesy – учтивость, обходительность
donation – денежное пожертвование
gratitude – благодарность, признательность
recognition – одобрение, признание (чьих-либо заслуг и т.п.)
reiterate – повторять
endeavour – попытка, старание; стремление
An invitation letter is a formal way to invite colleagues and clients to events which are being hosted by the company and are one of the most popular ways of inviting guests to functions. The professional invitation should be written in a formal tone.
The introduction allows the host and sender to introduce themselves, as well as the organization in which they have chosen to represent. A simple background of the individual or company will suffice in this section of the letter. Next, in the body of the letter it is important to outline all of the information
Письмо приглошение
Пригласительное письмо-это формальный способ пригласить коллег и клиентов на мероприятия, которые проводит компания, и одим из самых популярных способов приглашения гостей на мероприятия. Профессиональное приглашение должно быть написано формальным тоном.
Введение позволяет организатору и отправителью представиться, а также организации, в которой они решили представлять. В этом разделе письма будет достаточно простой биографии человека или компании. Далее в теле письма важно обрисовать всю информацию о мероприятии. Следует указать дату и время, а также тему и цель мероприятия. На этом этапе
Task 2. Write a letter to your business partner where you thank him or her for the help in organizing a conference, and invite him to the event devoted to the launch of a new product and inform about the place and time of it. Remember the information from the texts above.
The letter should contain:
- the logos and the addresses of both companies;
- the date;
- greeting phrase;
- opening;
- main body;
- conclusion;
- the name of your position in the company
Dear Mrs. Po’latova Malika
I am extremaly happy that you have considered my proposal of working in the new upcoming project together and I will take this opportunity to thank you for accepting it. To be very honest it was the amazing experience to work with you and also we are just looking for another opportunity that we get in future to work with as our business partner. Thank you so much for being our wonderful business partner.
Dear Malika Po’latova
It give me pleasure to invite you to the event devoted to the launch of a new product on 24st March at Oltin Diyor restaurant. Nothing feels better than being able to send out these new product launch invitation to the people who have stood by us throughout and given us honest feedback on what we make. Please come and make the event special.
We look forward to
Тема: | «Английский язык (Практическая работа)» | |
Раздел: | Иностранные языки | |
Тип: | Контрольная работа | |
Страниц: | 8 | |
Цена: | 200 руб. |
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