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«Archimedes Архимед» - Курсовая работа

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The text provides valuable information about Archimedes, his mathematical research. It also mentions the names and other famous scientists who conducted the research in the field of mathematics. The text is intended for students mathematic.

Ключевые слова

Математика, механика, астрономия, гидростатика, вычисление, парабола, гипербола эллипс, геометрия, инженерия, многоугольник, призма.

Key words

Mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, hydrostatics, calculate, parabola, hyperbola ellipse, geometry, engineering, polygon, prism.

Выдержка из текста работы


Archimedes (Ἀρχιμήδης; 287 BC. E. - 212 BC. E.) - The ancient Greek mathematician, physicist and engineer from Syracuse. He made many discoveries in geometry. He laid the foundations of mechanics, hydrostatics, the author of a number of important inventions. Information about the life of Archimedes have left us Polybius, Livy, Cicero, Plutarch, Vitruvius and others. Almost all of them have lived for many years after the events described, and the accuracy of these data is difficult to assess. Archimedes was born in Syracuse, Greek colony on the island of Sicily. Archimedes' father was a mathematician and astronomer Phidias, consisting, according to Plutarch, in close relationship with Hiero II, tyrant of Syracuse. His father instilled in his son since childhood love of mathematics, mechanics and astronomy. For training Archimedes went to Alexandria, Egypt - scientific and cultural center of the time.


In Alexandria, Archimedes met and became friends with famous scientists: astronomer Conon, a versatile scholar Eratosthenes, which then corresponded to the end of life. At that time, Alexandria was famous for its library, which has raised more than 700 thousand. Manuscripts. Apparently, it was here that he met with the works of Archimedes Democritus, Eudoxus, and other great Greek geometry, which he mentioned in his writings. After graduation he returned to Sicily Archimedes. In Syracuse, he was surrounded by attention and did not need the funds. Because of the years-old life of Archimedes it is closely intertwined with the legends about him.



Archimedes built a planetarium or "celestial sphere," the motion which could be seen the movement of the five planets, the rising sun and the moon, the phases of the Moon and Eclipse, the disappearance of the two bodies beyond the horizon. I am dealing with the problem of determining the distances to the planets; presumably based on its calculations system of the world lay in the center of the Earth, but the planet Mercury, Venus and Mars, orbiting the Sun, and with it - around the Earth. In his book The Sand Reckoner donёs information about heliocentric system of Aristarchus of Samos.


Named in honor of Archimedes: crater Archimedes (29,7 ° N, 4,0 ° W) and a mountain range Montes Archimedes (25,3 ° N, 4,6 ° W) on the Moon; Asteroid 3600 Archimedes. Leibnitz wrote: "A careful reading of the works of Archimedes, cease to wonder all the new discoveries of geometry." In honor of Archimedes named streets in Donetsk [13], Dnepropetrovsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Amsterdam, in the area of Syracuse. In fiction:Zhitomir SV scientist from Syracuse: Archimedes. The historical novel. M .: Young Guard, 1982 - A series of "Pioneer - means the first" - with 191.Karel Capek. The death of Archimedes.A very non-canonical version of the death of Archimedes are two stories of modern Russian writers Ozar Raven "War and geometry" and A. Bashkueva "Kill Archimedes."


What is particularly interesting stories historically consistent, but written from the perspective of the Roman legionary - killer of the great scientist, but not "ignorant barbarian, do not understand who is killing," which is for the literary tradition is extremely unusual.


Архимед (. Ἀρχιμήδης; 287 г. до н.э. Е. - 212 до н.э. Е.). - Древнегреческий математик, физик и инженер из Сиракуз. Он сделал много открытий в геометрии. Он заложил основы механики, гидростатики, автор ряда важных изобретений. Информация о жизни Архимеда оставили нам Полибий, Ливий, Цицерон, Плутарх, Витрувия и другие. Почти все из них жили в течение многих лет после описываемых событий, и точность этих данных трудно оценить. Архимед родился в Сиракузах, греческой колонии на острове Сицилия. Отец Архимеда был математик и астроном Фидий, состоящий, по словам Плутарха, в тесной взаимосвязи с Гиерону II, тирана Сиракуз. Его отец привил сыну с детства любовь к математике, механике и астрономии. Для обучения Архимед отправился в Александрию, Египет - научный и культурный центр того времени.


В Александрии, Архимед познакомился и подружился с известными учеными: астроном Конон, универсальный ученый Эратосфен, который затем переписывался до конца жизни. В то время, Александрия славилась своей библиотекой, которая собрала более 700 тысяч. Рукописи. По-видимому, именно здесь он встретил с работами Архимеда Демокрита, Евдокса и других великих греческой геометрии, которые он упомянул в своих трудах. После окончания школы он вернулся на Сицилию Архимеда. В Сиракузах он был окружён вниманием и не нужны средства. Из-за лет, старой жизни Архимеда она тесно переплетается с легендами о нем.

Список литературы

Elena Kozharskaya, Kevin Mc Nicholas, Angela Bandis, Natalia Konstantinova, Joanne Hodson, Joanne Stournara. Student's Book «MACMILLAN, Guide to Science». V.K. Muller «English-Russian Dictionary». .Macmillan Essential Dictionary for learners of English,2003.


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Тема: «Archimedes Архимед»
Раздел: Иностранные языки
Тип: Курсовая работа
Страниц: 13
Цена: 600 руб.
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