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«Bashkir State Pedagogical University” named after M.Akmulla» - Доклад

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Автор: navip


The Bashkir State Pedagogical University was founded in 1967 by the Decree of the Soviet (Council) of Ministers of the Russian Federative Socialist Republic.

The University has 12 faculties and 52 departments (chairs).

The faculties are as follows:

The Philological Faculty (Russian language and literature)

The Faculty of foreign languages (English, German, French)

The Physical-Mathematical faculty (including informatics – computers)

The Physical Training faculty

The Historical Faculty

The Humanities Faculty

The Psychological Faculty

The Institute of Education (training teachers for different grades on secondary schools)

The Sciences Faculty ( Geography +Chemistry and Biology +Chemistry)

The Musical faculty

The Faculty of Bashkir Phylology

Refresher Courses for school teachers and higher educational institutions staff

The University provides educational services to nearly 13 thousand students. The teaching staff consists of 500 members including about 100 doctors (highest degree) and 265 candidates of sciences (first scientific degree). It confers diplomas of specialists but in the spirit of the Bologna process the University is working out educational programmes for Bachelor and Master degrees.

The University also provides post graduate courses in a number of specialities:

-in Physics and Mathematics:

01.01.02 –differential equations;

01.01.05 – theory of possibilities and mathematical statistics;

01.01.06 – mathematical logics, algebra and the theory of number;

01.04.14 – thermal physics and theoretical heating engineering;

01.04.17 –chemical physics, including physics of high energies;

- in Historical sciences:

07.00.02 –history of Russia;

07.00.06 – archeology

- in biological sciences:

03.00.12 – physiology and biochemistry of plants

03.00.05 –botany

- in technical sciences:

05.13.18 –mathematicaql modelling, nukericalm method иcomplexes of programmes.

-in phylological sciences:

10.01.01 –Russian literature;

10.02.01 –Russian language;

10.02.05 –Roman languages;

10.02.20 – comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics;

09.00.01 – ontology and epistemology;

10.01.02 –literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (Tatar Literature);

10.01.03 – foreign Literature (English-American);

10.02.02 – languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation (Bashkir);

10.02.04 – Germanic Languages (English);

10.02.19 – theory of the language;

- in pedagogical sciences:

13.00.01 – general pedagogics; history of pedagogics and education;

13.00.02 – theory and methods of training and education;

(Russian and Bashkir languages; physics);

13.00.08 – theory and methods of professional; training;

-in psychological sciences:

19.00.01 – general psychology, psychology of the personality, history of psychology;

19.00.07-pedagogical psychology;

- in sociological sciences:

22.00.04 – social structure, social institutions and processes;

- in culture studies:

24.00.01 – theory and history of culture;

- in sciences dealing with the Earth:


The Bashkir State Pedagogical University is a multi-profile educational institution with a solid scientific potential. The University is comprised by the Educational Institute, 10 Faculties, refreshment faculty, 51 departments, and a center of educational professional education.

Academic instruction is carried out by 681 teachers, 439 of whom are conferred scientific degrees. 17 members of the University teaching staff are members of the Russian Academy of education, the Academy of Sciences of the republic of Bashkortostan and a number of other academies of the Russian Federation and the RB.

3 joint departments are successfully working in the BSPU, they are:

1. The department of general genetics and biology jointly with the Institute of Biochemistry and genetics of the Ufa Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Science (academician V.Vakhitov, professor V.Gorbunova);

2. Interfaculty department of experimental and theoretical physics jointly with the Institute of molecule and crystal physics of the Ufa Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Science (professor A.Lachinov, professor N.Migranov);

3. The department of mathematics jointly with Institute of mathematics of the Ufa Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Science (professor V.Napalkov).



The University is one of the leading higher educational institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It ranks among the 15 best universities of the Russian federation too.

The campus is situated in the southern prestigious part of the city of Ufa. This part is considered to be the administrative and cultural centre of the city: the government of the Republic and most educational institutions, theatres and museums are located in this part too.

Список литературы

Rector: Professor Rail Mirvaevich Asadullin e-mail: office@bspu.r*

Тема: «Bashkir State Pedagogical University” named after M.Akmulla»
Раздел: Иностранные языки
Тип: Доклад
Страниц: 21
Цена: 200 руб.
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