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«Контрольная №4 по английскому языку, вариант 6» - Контрольная работа

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Автор: kjuby


Task 1. Find the answers to these questions in the text which follows.

vvv) Who and when must be notified of the scheduled bunkering?

www) What information must the radiogram ordering bunkers include?

xxx) Whom will the person-in-charge of bunkering operations have to talk to?

yyy) What does the phrase “introduce oneself” mean?

zzz) By what means are bunkers brought to a ship?

aaaa) For what purpose and how are fuel samples taken?

bbbb) How long are they retained on board?

cccc) Why is it necessary to take flowmeter readings, or sounding, on the bunkering facility?

dddd) Does the fuel temperature effect the specific gravity of such fuel?

eeee) When are correction tables used?

ffff) What sort of signals and instruction does the engineer-in-charge give to the fuelling barge attendants?

gggg) What data are shown on the bunker receipts or invoices?

hhhh) Who checks, signs, and seals the bunker receipts?

iiii) What must the chief engineer do in case of abnormal discrepancy between his figures and the figures shown on the deliverer’s invoice?

Ordering Bunkers and Taking Them on

As soon as possible after a fuelling port has been designated the ship’s agent must be notified of that. The information transmitted to the agent must include the following items: (1) the name of the ship; (2) the estimated time of her arrival to the fuelling port (ETA); (3) the quantity and grade of fuel oil required; (4)the amount of cargo, if any, which will be handled during the port call.

Two days before the scheduled arrival, the ship sends to the agent a confirmation radiogram giving the time of arrival and the exact number of metric tons of ordered fuel.

The engineer-in-charge of bunkering operations should have the required skills of talking in English with the deliverers (suppliers) at all stages of fuel transfer.

He should know what to say and how to say it when a fuel barge has come alongside his vessel; how to welcome guests, treat them, introduce himself; what to say when accompanying visitors about the ship or discussing the fuel specification items.

The engineer-in-charge should know how to talk business when taking soundings or flowmeter readings at the bunkering facilities, as well as procedure of taking fuel samples.

Fuel supplied by the deliverers must be suitable to the ship’s engines. Therefore, the personnel-in-charge must take samples throughout the period of fuel transfer. Each sample is to be labelled with the date and any other necessary data. The samples must be retained on board until the oil fr om which they were taken is completely consumed.

The ship’s engineer assigned the responsibility of taking bunkers on in a foreign fuelling port should have the required English language fluency in order to do his job effectively when taking fuel oil temperature from the delivering facility tanks, giving instructions and signals to the English-speaking attendants as regards the delivery rate or pressure, starting, slowing down, or stopping the delivery pumps, eliminating leakage or any other troubles, reporting spillage, if any. .

Task 2. Match each item in Column A, with appropriate item from Column B.

Example: 1-g

Task 3. Put these words in he right order to form a question.

52. the notified when ship’s is agent?

53. he what notified is about?

54. radiogram a is to when the confirmation sent agent?

55. the speak should fluent engineer English?

56. must in what the charge skills engineer have?

57. are fuel taken why samples?

58. to receipt who sign is bunker a?

Task 4. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb from the box. Some of the verbs are in the passive. Not all the verbs are used.

The main difference between crosshead and trunk-piston type engines_ the manner in which the transverse thrust from the piston and connecting-rod _ up and the nature of the upper part of the connecting-rod. Crosshead engines_ a piston-rod and trunk-piston engines _ not.

The working parts of a crosshead engine_ a piston head and rod, connected together. The crosshead block, pins and slippers _ an assembly which is _ to the lower part of the piston-rod. The slippers_ up and down with the crosshead assembly in the engine guide. The cross-head assembly _ to the crankshaft through the crosshead bearings (top-end bearings)and the connecting rod bearings (big or bottom-end bearings). When the crank_ away from the top and bottom-dead-centre position the connecting rod_ at an angle to the line of piston stroke and consequently, there_ angularity.

Task 5. Make these sentences passive.

59. The ship sends to the agent a confirmation radiogram.

60. The personnel in charge must take samples throughout the period of fuel transfer.

61. He labels each sample with the necessary data.

62. The engineer-in-charge gives instructions and signals to the attendants.

63. He must draw up the bunker receipts.

64. The chief engineer should obtain the fuel specification before taking bunkers.

65. The chief engineer has to correct the discrepancy.

66. He shall make a full report of the circumstances.

Task 6. Make a list of actions performed (before taking bankers) by:

captain / chief engineer;

person- in –charge of bunkering operations.

Task 7. Make a list of actions performed by engine- room personnel while bunkering operations and after them.

Task 8. What skills must the engineer in- charge of bunkering operations have?

Task 9. Try to list possible troubles which may occur, the methods of their avoiding and remedy. (when taking bunkers).

Task 10. Write a brief description of Diesel Engine Cooling. Your description should consist of some paragraphs and answer these questions:

Why is it necessary to cool the cylinder heads or covers, cylinder liners and pistons?

What is used as the cooling medium?

Task 11. Translate the following text

Maintenance schedule of marine diesel engine

Engine builders supply detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of the machinery so that regular maintenance work can be carried out and breakdowns can be kept to a minimum. These instruction manuals are usually kept by the Chief Engineer, but they are made available to all members of the engine-room staff. The intervals at which an engine and its parts must be inspected will vary from make to make and will depend on the use the engine has been put to, and therefore the brief outline which follows is meant only as a general guide.

At frequent intervals, fuel pumps should be examined and adjusted if necessary. When the engine is running, this will by shown by comparing engine indicator cards and by exhaust temperature. Pistons should also be examined frequently for cracks.

At intervals of six weeks, the fuel valves should be taken out and carefully inspected. Atomizers and filters can be washed with clean diesel fuel oil. Cleaning rags must not be used because they leave behind small pieces of fluff, which may block up holes. Valve seats should also be tested and if they are pitted or scratched, the surface should be reground.

If possible, the upper piston rings should be examined at intervals of one month during the first six months’ service. After that inspection periods can be extended so long as their condition continues to be satisfactory.

At intervals of six months the upper pistons, if cooled, must be inspected for deposits of carbon in cooling spaces and cooling pipes. When new piston rings are fitted, care must be taken to ensure there is sufficient clearance to allow for the expansion of the rings. Exhaust valves and manifold must also be examined and excessive carbon deposits removed. All carbon deposits should also be removed from cylinder ports. Cylinder liners must be examined externally for deposits of scale. If these deposits cannot be removed by flushing with water, then the liner must be removed for cleaning. The liner should also be measured for wear and renewed, if the lim it for wear has been reached. The clearances of connecting –rod top and bottom ends should also be examined and adjusted if necessary. In addition, lubricating-oil sumps and tanks should be cleaned of sediment.

At intervals of one year the manocuvring gear must be examined for wear at the joints of levers and rods. The alignment of the crankshaft should be checked and any incorrect alignment corrected. The main bearing must be examined and readings taken for wear. The clearances of all crankshaft bearings must be maintained at the figure recommended by the makers. Finally, starting air piping and air bottles must be cleaned and the lubricating oil system thoroughly examined and cleared of deposits.

It must be emphasized that the above- mentioned parts are only some of the items which must be regularly maintained to ensure the efficient working of the machinery.

Выдержка из текста работы

Task 11. Translate the following text


График техобслуживания судового дизеля

Машиностроители поставляют подробные инструкции по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию машины, поэтому можно производить регулярные работы по техническому обслуживанию, и поломки можно свести к минимуму. Эти руководства по эксплуатации обычно хранятся у главного инженера, но они доступны для всех членов машинного отделения. Промежутки времени, когда двигатель и его детали должны быть проверены, будут разными от модели к модели, и будут зависеть от того, какому использованию подвергается двигатель, и поэтому краткий план, приведенный ниже, подразумевает только как общее руководство.

Тема: «Контрольная №4 по английскому языку, вариант 6»
Раздел: Иностранные языки
Тип: Контрольная работа
Страниц: 13
Цена: 400 руб.
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