Контрольная работа

«Английский 3 курс вариант 6»

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Автор: oksielen

Ex. 3, p.138 (Model 2, №1-5) Paraphrase the following sentences as in the models.

M о d e 1: I am out of patience with him because he does not want to do his lessons.

I can't do a thing with him. He won't do his lessons.

1. I am at my wits' end, Paul refuses to go to school. 2. Like a naughty child Nelly refuses to listen to me and put on her winter coat. 3. Her mother despaired of persuading Mary to take up music. 4. No matter how hard I try I can't compel him to tell the truth. 5. Unfortunately 1 can't make her eat porridge in the morning.

1. I can't do a thing with Paul. He won't go to school. 2. I can't do a thing with Nelly. She won't listen to me and put on her winter coat. 3. Her mother can't do a thing with Mary. She won't take up music. 4. I can't do a thing with him. He won't tell the truth. 5. I can't do a thing with her. She won't eat porridge in the morning.

5. Use the Infinitive with "to", bare infinitive or the Gerund and Present Participle.

1. The problem will be discussed at the conference shortly ( open ) in Amsterdam.

2. There are unlikely ( be ) any objections to our proposal.

3. I saw the text (be ) very difficult and was afraid of ( not be able) (translate ) it.

4. ( Put) it mildly the man seemed (not be ) very clever.

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