Контрольная работа
«Congress. Historical and constitutional background of legislative power.»
- 2 страниц(ы)
- 2286 просмотров
Автор: катя
1 - powers of Congress
2 - Congress membership.
3 - Sources of legislation
4 - Introduction and referral to committees
5 - Senate Action. Chamber Procedure.
6 - The party organization.
Article I lists all powers of Congress. This list of power was a compromise resulting from one of the major differences of opinion. Virginia wanted Congress to have strong legislative power and other delegates objected. The major powers are: to issue money, to declare war, to collect taxes and other.
For a first function it determines legislative, committee and subcommittee leadership and other actions. As a policy making it serves as a forum for policy.
Prewitt, Kenneth and Verba, Sidney. An Introduction to American Government.
Acheson, Patricia C. Our Federal Government: How It Works.
Тема: | «Congress. Historical and constitutional background of legislative power.» | |
Раздел: | Иностранные языки | |
Тип: | Контрольная работа | |
Страниц: | 2 | |
Цена: | 200 руб. |
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